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Top Six Reasons You Should Be Texting
Your Customers

Texting has taken over as many people’s preferred form of communication, for both personal and business purposes. Just think about it: When was the last time you actually made a phone call? There’s a reason texting has taken over. It’s easier. It’s frictionless. It’s way less invasive. And it reaches the person you want to reach, right away. Phone calls can be ignored or silenced; voicemails rarely get listened to; and emails disappear into cluttered inboxes. But texts show up right away, and they almost always get read right away.

Your Pre-Texting Checklist

Of course, as with any marketing tool, it’s important to have a plan in place before you start sending out texts. A few things to consider:

  • How and when will you send texts? You probably don’t want to text customers from your personal phone, and you definitely don’t want your employees texting from theirs.
  • Make sure you’re following all applicable rules and regulations – such as obtaining opt-in permission from customers.
  • What will you text about? Appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups; payment reminders; promotions and sales; upsell opportunities; responses to customer concerns?
  • Create and follow company-wide best practices and make sure you thoroughly train your team. Business texting etiquette is different from personal texting etiquette. Time of day is important. The tone should be professional and friendly. Texts should be kept short and to the point. Responses should be fast, even if the initial answer is from a bot.

Why Your Business Should Be Texting Customers

So the question is: Are you texting your customers? Here’s a look at the top six reasons you should add texting to your portfolio of customer communications.

1. Everybody Texts… All The Time

Handsome hispanic guy is using smartphone for messaging, texting, young dark-haired man in smart casual green shirt using smartphoneThe numbers don’t lie. More than 90% of adults keep their phones on hand (or at least within reach) at all times. An incredible 98% of text messages reach their intended user. And 90% of texts are read within a few minutes. Right now, there’s no other form of communication that’s direct, immediate, and effective. You should be using that to your advantage.

2. Texting Doesn’t Interrupt Anything

It feels less intrusive than the phone, and your customers will appreciate that. People just don’t want to talk on the phone anymore, whether it’s to their lawn care company, their local pizza place, or their best friend. In fact, they will go to great lengths in order to NOT make or take a phone call. They might put off calling you or make excuses not to… but responding to a text message is fast, easy, and doesn’t require any talking at all.

3. Texting Makes Communication Easy

Texting puts people at ease. Many individuals dread having to talk on the phone to someone they don’t know, even when that person is a friendly professional. That anxiety can keep them from making or answering a phone call. Texting virtually eliminates that problem.

4. Texting Makes Your Business Seem More Responsive

Customers think it’s faster and more responsive because usually it is. One of the basics of customer service is that the faster you can respond to customer questions and concerns, the better. And the faster you can respond to a lead, the more likely you are to turn that lead into a sale. Responding to a text is generally faster and easier than writing and sending an email or waiting for a return phone call. You seem more responsive to your customers’ concerns when you can text them directly. The flip side of this is that because of this perception, it’s essential to respond to customer texts within a few minutes so they don’t feel like you are ignoring them!

5. With Texting, it’s All Right There

Texts provide an instant, easily accessible record. When you text your customer a service appointment reminder, it’s all RIGHT THERE for them. They don’t have to hunt for a pen and paper to write it down, and then remember to keep track of that piece of paper. If they want to share the information or put it in their calendar, it’s just a matter of a few clicks. And they can easily refer back to it whenever they want.

6. Texting is Versatile

It can be used for hyper-targeted and mass communication messages. It’s easy to have private, one-on-one conversations with individual customers via text, and it’s easy to send a text to your entire customer base highlighting your next promotion or other important information. Text communication is incredibly versatile.

Best Practices for Texting Customers:

To ensure that your texting efforts yield optimal results, it’s crucial to follow these best practices:

  • Define Clear Objectives: Before implementing a texting strategy, clearly outline your goals. Whether it’s driving sales, improving customer service, or increasing engagement, having specific objectives will guide your approach.
  • Know Your Audience: Understand the demographics, preferences, and communication habits of your target audience. Tailor your messages to resonate with their interests and needs for better engagement.
  • Craft Concise and Engaging Messages: Keep your texts brief and to the point while maintaining a conversational tone. Use language that is friendly, and clear, and prompts action, such as a call to action or a question that encourages response.
  • Personalize Where Possible: Leverage customer data to personalize your messages for each recipient. Address them by name and tailor the content to their past interactions or purchase history for a more personalized experience.
  • Respect Timing and Frequency: Be mindful of the timing and frequency of your texts to avoid overwhelming or annoying your customers. Consider factors such as time zones and peak activity times to ensure your messages are well-received.
  • Maintain Professionalism and Etiquette: Adhere to professional standards and etiquette in your business texting. Respect privacy and consent, respond promptly to inquiries, and proofread your messages for errors before sending them out.

Measuring Success and ROI from Customer Texting Campaigns:

Evaluating the effectiveness of your texting campaigns is crucial for optimizing your strategy and maximizing return on investment. To assess the impact of your texting efforts, it’s essential to track a variety of key metrics and employ various tools and methods for analysis.

Key Metrics: 

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) provides valuable insights into the engagement and overall success of your texting campaigns. Keep a close eye on metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and opt-out rates. 

  • Open rates indicate the percentage of recipients who open your text messages, reflecting the level of interest and engagement. 
  • Click-through rates measure the proportion of recipients who click on links or calls to action included in your texts, indicating the effectiveness of your messaging and offers.
  • Conversion rates, on the other hand, track the percentage of recipients who take the desired action as a result of your texts, such as making a purchase or scheduling an appointment. 
  • Opt-out rates reveal the number of customers who unsubscribe or opt out of receiving further text messages, highlighting potential issues or areas for improvement in your campaigns.

Tools and Methods: 

Utilizing a range of tools and methods for tracking and analyzing text message engagement is essential for gaining deeper insights into the effectiveness of your texting strategy. Texting platforms often provide built-in analytics and reporting features that allow you to monitor key metrics and assess campaign performance. Integrating your texting platform with customer relationship management (CRM) systems enables you to gather comprehensive customer data and insights, facilitating more targeted and personalized messaging. Additionally, conducting A/B testing allows you to experiment with different messaging strategies, offers, and calls to action to identify what resonates most with your audience and drives the highest level of engagement. 

Data Analysis: 

Once you’ve collected data on key metrics and engagement rates, it’s crucial to analyze the information to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in your texting strategy. Look for correlations between messaging tactics and campaign performance to determine which strategies are most effective in achieving your objectives. Pay attention to factors such as timing, frequency, message content, and audience segmentation to optimize your texting campaigns for maximum impact. By conducting thorough data analysis, you can uncover valuable insights that inform strategic decision-making and help you refine your approach to texting for improved ROI.

Spread the Word

Finally, when you’re ready to start texting, use all available channels to let your customers know they can reach you by text! Have your text-enabled number on all of your trucks and lawn posting signs and make sure to note “call or text.” When you’re putting a call to action on social media, end with “call or text us at…” Make it clear on your website with a call-out on your home page and a “text us” button for mobile users.

Looking for a Business Texting Software Solution? RealGreen can Help

Investing in a business texting software solution that will help you manage all of the above is one way to make sure your company’s texts are always on-brand, on-message, and on point. Even better if it works with your existing CRM software so that you can easily share information without having to look everything up or manually input it later. For example, RealGreen users can take advantage of the company’s partnership with Captivated, which allows direct-to-customer texting right from Service Assistant 5.

Interested in learning more about business texting software? Check out this video about Captivated that highlights how the service works.

For more information about how you can add business texting to and help your business thrive, schedule a free demo today.


Why should I consider texting my customers instead of using other communication channels like email or phone calls?

Texting offers unparalleled immediacy and directness, with over 90% of texts being read within a few minutes. It’s a non-intrusive and convenient way to reach customers who may prefer texting over other methods.

How can texting benefit my business in terms of customer engagement?

Texting allows for more immediate and personal communication with customers, leading to higher engagement rates. Whether it’s appointment reminders, promotions, or customer service inquiries, texting ensures your messages are seen and responded to promptly.

How can I ensure professionalism and etiquette in my business texting?

Maintain professionalism by respecting privacy and consent, responding promptly to inquiries, and proofreading messages for errors before sending them. Following texting etiquette, such as avoiding texting outside of business hours and keeping messages respectful and courteous, is also essential.

Can texting be used for customer service inquiries and support?

Absolutely! Texting offers a convenient and efficient way for customers to reach out with inquiries, feedback, or support issues. Responding promptly and providing helpful assistance via text can enhance the overall customer experience and improve satisfaction levels.

Schedule a free demo today to see how RealGreen
can help you grow your business!

Kelly Mozena

Kelly Mozena

Senior Content Strategist Kelly Mozena has spent more than two decades helping companies connect to consumers, including some of the largest and best-known brands in the United States. She draws from a diverse portfolio of industry experience to help WorkWave’s clients achieve their real-world business goals.