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How A Lawn Care and Landscaping Company Increased Profits, Eliminated Paperwork and Added Routes

Case Study: Grass Master


Hours of Labor Saved Per Day


Routes Added Per Year


Reduction in Printed Estimates

About Grass Master

Industry: Lawn Care & Landscaping

Grass Master is a family-owned, full-service lawn and landscape company founded in 1981. They primarily service residential properties in northeast Ohio, covering nine counties, including the Canton, Akron, and Cleveland areas. Grass Master has approximately 15,000 customers along 26 routes. They have been a RealGreen customer for 24 years.

Grass Master logo

The Challenge

Building efficiencies, lowering workloads and increasing profitability

Grass Master was growing, but their processes weren’t growing with it. Many functions were happening manually, which was creating a lot of paper and slowing down work in general. One person, Office Manager Elizabeth Durkin, was primarily responsible for managing the company’s routes – a labor-intensive, cumbersome and paper-heavy task. What’s more, office tasks were very siloed, with one person entering estimates, one person doing sales, another entering payments, and so on.

  • Siloed Office Processes
  • Routes were Planned Manually
  • Tasks were Paper Heavy

The Solution

Maximizing RealGreen’s software – especially Routing Assistant and Measurement Assistant

Grass Master employees utilize just about every solution RealGreen has to offer, including Mobile Live, Customer Assistant Websites, Automated Marketing Assistant, Measurement Assistant and Routing Assistant. The latter two have been particularly effective in helping Grass Master grow their business by maximizing efficiencies, simplifying the sales process, eliminating unnecessary paperwork and manual inputs of customer information, and making it easier to provide excellent customer service.

  • Service Assistant® Centralized All Customer Information

  • Routing Assistant Automated Route Planning

  • Measurement Assistant® Automated Estimate Creation

The Results

Less paper. Less work. More sales. More routes.

Service Assistant has helped Grass Master thrive. According to Durkin, using Mobile Live alone saves at least four hours of labor EVERY DAY with its automatic inputs and information syncs. With Measurement Assistant, the team is able to add around 12,000 new properties every year into their marketing database, an invaluable sales resource. Measurement Assistant has also helped the team decrease printed estimates by 80%.

Most significantly: Using Routing Assistant enabled Grass Master to add one to two new routes every year for the past six years, servicing significantly more customers. In addition, the company uses Routing Assistant to quickly respond to customer issues and provide excellent, responsive service.

In a specific example, Durkin, the company’s primary router, explains how she was able to respond to a customer inquiry with incredible agility, thanks to Routing Assistant: “I had a customer call in with a question. While we were talking, I was able to locate one of our supervisors who was right around the corner. I texted him and explained the situation. While I was still on the phone with the customer, he drove to their location, pulled into the driveway, and sold the job on the spot. The customer received service that same day.”


“RealGreen is the only system I would recommend to any company that wants to grow. It’s the way to go if you want to make a name in the business.”

Elizabeth Durkin
Grass Master

The Value

Grass Masters finds a great deal of value in Routing Assistant, noting its fluency and ease of use in particular. Durkin notes that it’s simple to manage and adjust schedules, which enables them to change routes quickly to meet customer needs. “The tracking part is amazing because I can see where any of the trucks are. If a customer contacts us and wants service today when they are scheduled for tomorrow, I can find a truck and see how quickly I can add them to the schedule. Routing Assistant helps us provide excellent customer service and keep our customers happy.”

Measurement Assistant has also proven to be a boon for sales, enabling office staff to quickly put together and present estimates to interested customers almost in real time. “I’m able to look up their information, quickly measure their property, and shoot them a proposal, whether it’s by e-mail or online chat. I would probably say that out of everything that we do, Measurement Assistant was the game changer.”

Overall, Durkin credits RealGreen for helping Grass Masters thrive, saying, “I couldn’t even pinpoint one solution that’s better than any other because they all work together. RealGreen makes us all better at what we do. There isn’t one thing that I can talk up that it CAN’T do, as far as making our jobs easier.”

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