You went into lawn care to help people beautify their lawns and provide excellent, professional services – not to become an expert in sales. But there’s no denying that solid sales techniques and communication skills are crucial to your success. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or you’re just starting out, it’s always smart to do whatever you can to enhance your sales approach and engage with your customers more effectively. In other words, you need to “Always Be Closing.” Let’s take a look at the ABCs of elevating your lawn care business.
A: APPROACH. Do your sales techniques and processes work?
Let’s start at the beginning – by refining your approach. It’s important to hone your sales techniques and processes, starting with training and preparing for every call. You’ll be most persuasive with prospects when you’re confident and knowledgeable; you’re more likely to seal the deal with great persuasion skills and closing techniques. It’s also a good idea to talk to other lawn care experts for insights and best practices. What’s worked for them? How are they connecting with their potential?
B: BEST PRACTICES. Negotiation, customer engagement, leveraging feedback & more
You’ve got your approach down. Now it’s time to focus on best practices. Listen to customer feedback and use those insights to improve your services, your customer experience, and your negotiation and customer engagement strategies. Analyze your sales. Focus on what’s working and see how you can change what’s not.
C: COMMUNICATION. The key to closing
The final step of the ABC selling mantra is prioritizing effective communication. This is how you will close: by listening actively, asking the right questions, and conveying a clear, compelling message. Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can help you further manage and maintain strong customer relationships by making ongoing communication easier and more manageable, especially once your client list starts expanding.
D, E, F, G & beyond… What’s next?
Adopting the ABC mantra in your lawn care business is just the beginning. There’s always room for improvement and growth. Moving forward, you may consider developing effective sales team management strategies, enhancing your marketing and advertising efforts, and exploring other avenues for expansion. The possibilities for growing your service business are limitless.
Ready to learn more about how to improve your sales techniques and customer engagement strategies? Download this exclusive eGuide from our partners at Slingshot, Learn Your ABCs: The Full eGuide for Closing Consistently, and get started on your journey today!
Schedule a free demo today to see how RealGreen
can help you grow your lawn business!
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Senior Content Strategist Kelly Mozena has spent more than two decades helping companies connect to consumers, including some of the largest and best-known brands in the United States. She draws from a diverse portfolio of industry experience to help WorkWave’s clients achieve their real-world business goals.