We’re all trying to do more with less. That’s especially true when you’re running a lawn care business. Labor shortages, gas price increases, supply chain issues—you’re up against a lot of challenges that you can’t control. And it’s essential that your business not only weathers those challenges but thrives despite them.
One way to make running your business easier is to automate whatever you can. Automating labor-intensive, low-reward tasks helps everything go more smoothly by handling the grunt work for you and saving you precious time, money, and resources. How can you make it happen? With the right software, RealGreen’s solutions are designed to automate day-to-day operations so that you can spend your time building customer relationships and growing your business.
Get It All Done. Fast.
“RealGreen software, in general, is a time saver,” according to Dyna-Green President Chip Soltesz, noting that RealGreen’s integrated solutions mean he only needs one program to get it all done. “When I sit down, I want to get everything done at once. And with it all being integrated, it makes it possible to do that.”
Automate Routing Hassles Away
Gone are the days of painstakingly planning and re-planning service routes with pencil, paper, and maps, then handing each technician a printed schedule. Automated routing programs get it all done for you in seconds, ensuring the most efficient routes and updating quickly with just a few clicks. “It’s night and day different because it’s done automatically for us,” says Steven VanNoord, owner of Weed & Feed Lawn Care. “It saves us a ton of time at a time of the year when we’re really busy. When we can cut out hours and even days, we can concentrate on doing other things like sales and spend less time on routine office paperwork.”

More Automation, Less Payroll
An automated, online measurement tool is an incredible time saver – you can measure any property from anywhere, at any time, in any weather. Estimates can be created and sent within minutes of getting an inquiry, all without needing an employee to schedule a visit, manually measure, and then write up a quote. “We would probably have to hire an additional employee just to measure lawns if we didn’t have a Measurement Assistant,” says Weed & Feed Lawn Care Manager Matt VanNoord.
Maximum Results, Minimum Effort
When you can get excellent results with minimal effort, that’s a win for your business. That’s what RealGreen has done for Ebert Lawns, according to company founder John Ebert. “[RealGreen] is going to help you duplicate your business without all the effort that’s needed – with minimal effort – because you can grow with the help of automation. It’s just unbelievably amazing.”
It Makes Life Easier
The result of effective business automation? “It makes life easier, and it makes running a business easier, and that’s what I’m all about,” says Dave Koone, president and CEO of Lawn Doctor of Hamilton County. “I want to simplify and be able to do things in a way that is efficient and profitable.” Koone says that RealGreen is what makes it all possible for his business. “There’s no other software application or company who does more than RealGreen does to help us be successful and grow – just making life a little bit easier.”

Interested in learning more about how RealGreen can help you automate your business? Schedule a free demo and get started on your own path to success!