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Have you found yourself thinking that your company needs to improve its online brand, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough money in the budget to make it happen? Well, maybe you could do a few free online things like add a new page to your company website, add a social post, or buy one digital ad, but how much will those really make a difference? Unless your company has a consistent approach to building its brand through marketing, these little changes won’t provide the impact and results that your company desires. If your business needs an affordable option to improve its digital brand and better compete online, then contact a representative at RealGreen or visit for more information on our marketing services.

target call to action

  1. Redesign: Consider a website redesign if it’s more than two years old.
  2. Secure Code: The website code should be updated regularly for security reasons.
  3. Get Social: Place social proof on your site, such as testimonials, awards, Google reviews, Facebook ratings, recognition, etc.
  4. Call to Actions (CTAs): Effective CTAs are clear, use action phrases like “Call Now” or “Request Estimate,” and can use the first person like “I Want a Demo.”
  5. The Need for Speed: A website should load very quickly, within one to two seconds

See how you can improve your online presence by visiting

Kelly Mozena

Kelly Mozena

Senior Content Strategist Kelly Mozena has spent more than two decades helping companies connect to consumers, including some of the largest and best-known brands in the United States. She draws from a diverse portfolio of industry experience to help WorkWave’s clients achieve their real-world business goals.