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As we step into 2024, the lawn care industry continues to thrive, evolving with new trends and technologies. Whether you’re a seasoned lawn care professional or just starting out and looking for new customers, understanding how to price your services effectively is key to running a successful business.

This blog aims to guide you through the intricacies of lawn care pricing, offering insights into the various factors that influence rates and tips on how to set competitive yet profitable prices. From assessing market standards to tailoring your pricing strategy to meet specific lawn care needs, we’ll explore all the essential components to help you navigate the dynamic world of lawn care services. Perfect for both entrepreneurs and homeowners, this comprehensive guide is designed to provide clarity and confidence in the often complex world of lawn care pricing.

Lawn Care Services Pricing Chart

To assist you in budgeting for various lawn care needs, the table below provides a comprehensive overview of a basic lawn care pricing sheet with average pricing for common lawn care services. These figures serve as a general guide to help you understand the potential costs associated with maintaining your lawn.

Lawn Care Service

Basic Lawn Mowing

Lawn Edging

Lawn Aeration

Lawn Dethatching

Lawn Seeding

Leaf Removal


Weed Control

Pest Control


Sod Installation

Artificial Turf Installation

Tree Trimming

Bush/Hedge Trimming

Yard Cleanup

Average Price Per Job

$30-$65 per session

$5-$15 per session






$65-$$170 per treatment

$100 per treatment

$17-$68 per cubic yard

$1-$2 per square foot

$12.33 per square foot

$315-$700 per tree

$50-$75 per hour


Prices vary by location and service. This chart is for illustration only.

These prices are averages and may vary based on specific conditions and regional differences. For precise estimates, it’s recommended to consult with your local lawn care professionals or the experts at RealGreen.

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How to Make a Lawn Care Pricing Sheet

Creating a lawn care pricing sheet is a vital step for your business, helping you and your customers understand your services and their corresponding costs. Here’s a guide on how to develop an effective pricing sheet:

  1. List Your Services. Start by listing all the lawn care services you offer. This might include lawn mowing, edging, aeration, fertilization, weed control, and more. Be comprehensive and clear about each service.
  2. Research and Set Prices. Based on your lawn mowing pricing formula and market research, assign a price to each service. Remember to consider factors like labor, equipment, overhead, and desired profit margins.
  3. Create Service Packages. If you offer bundled services, detail these packages in your pricing sheet. Include what each package entails and the total cost, showcasing any savings compared to individual services.
  4. Include Customization Options. For services that depend on lawn size or condition, provide a range or a base price with the note that final costs may vary. This prepares customers for potential adjustments in pricing.
  5. Design for Clarity. Use a clear, easy-to-read format. Consider using a table with service names in one column and prices in another. Make sure your pricing sheet is visually appealing and aligns with your brand’s aesthetic.
  6. Add Terms and Conditions. Include any relevant terms, such as cancellation policies, payment terms, or seasonal adjustments. This transparency helps manage customer expectations.
  7. Update Regularly. Keep your pricing sheet updated with current prices and services. Regular updates reflect market changes and operational costs, ensuring your pricing remains competitive and fair.
  8. Accessibility. Make your pricing sheet easily accessible to potential customers. You can include it on your website, in brochures, or as a digital document that can be emailed upon request.

A well-structured lawn care pricing sheet not only enhances your business’s professionalism but also aids in customer decision-making, helping them understand exactly what they’re paying for and why.

How Much to Charge for Lawn Mowing

Determining the right prices for lawn care services is a nuanced process that involves balancing market trends, operational costs, and customer expectations. In the U.S., lawn care pricing typically falls within specific ranges: for lawn mowing, you’ll find rates between $30 and $65 per hour, or between $50 and $100 per acre. Pricing per square foot often ranges from $0.01 to $0.05. These figures, however, are just starting points. The actual cost to a customer can vary widely based on several key factors (we will touch on all of the key factors in a section below):

  • Yard Size. Larger yards require more time and resources, leading to higher costs.
  • Grass Condition. Well-maintained lawns are quicker to mow than overgrown ones, which may need extra effort.
  • Local Climate and Weather. The frequency of mowing services may increase in regions with rapid grass growth, impacting costs.

When finalizing your pricing strategy, it’s essential to research what your competitors are charging for similar services. This competitive analysis helps in setting prices that are fair and attractive to potential customers. A good rule of thumb is to keep your rates within 15% of your competitors’ pricing. Charging significantly more can lead customers to opt for cheaper alternatives while being the least expensive option might undermine the perceived value of your services. The goal is to position your lawn care business as a provider of high-quality services, especially if you are targeting commercial contracts. A reputation for reliability and quality can help attract the type of clients you desire, even if your prices are higher than some competitors.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your prices is also important. This ensures that your business remains profitable and competitive in a dynamic market. Remember, the aim is not just to be the cheapest provider in the area but to offer services that justify your rates through quality and reliability. This approach will help establish your business as a trustworthy and preferred choice in the lawn care market.

Learn More: How to Collect Payment for Lawn Care

Lawn Mowing Pricing Formula

To accurately calculate the cost of a lawn mowing job, it’s important to have a clear and structured pricing formula. This ensures that all aspects of the service are accounted for and that the business remains profitable while offering competitive rates. Here’s a breakdown of the formula you can use to price each lawn care job effectively:

  • Calculate Labor Costs. Start by estimating the number of labor hours the job will take. Then, multiply these hours by your hourly labor cost. This gives you the base labor cost for the job.
  • Factor in Overhead Costs. Overhead costs include general business expenses such as office rent, utilities, and administrative salaries. Divide your total overhead costs by the number of jobs you handle in a specific period to determine the overhead cost per job.
  • Include Equipment Costs. Account for the cost of using your equipment. This includes not only the purchase or lease cost but also maintenance and fuel expenses. Calculate a per-job equipment cost based on usage and lifespan.
  • Add Taxes. Ensure that you include any applicable taxes in your pricing. This might include sales tax or other local business taxes.
  • Incorporate a Profit Margin. Finally, add your desired profit margin to the total. A profit margin ensures that your business is not just covering costs but also making a profit. A typical profit margin might range from 10% to 20%, depending on your business goals and market competition.

The formula would look something like this:

Total Job Cost = (Labor Hours x Hourly Labor Cost) + Overhead Cost per Job + Equipment Cost per Job + Taxes + Profit Margin

By using this formula, you can ensure that each aspect of the lawn mowing job is fairly priced, covering your costs while also providing room for profit. This approach helps in maintaining a sustainable business model.

Additional Lawn Care Services Pricing

When offering comprehensive lawn care services, it’s important to provide a clear pricing structure for additional services beyond basic lawn mowing. This section outlines the average prices for a range of lawn care services, helping customers understand the cost of maintaining their lawn’s health and appearance.

  • Basic Lawn Mowing. A fundamental service, priced between $30 and $65 per session, ensures the lawn is neatly trimmed and maintained.
  • Lawn Edging. This service, costing $5 to $15 per session, provides a clean and precise border around the lawn, enhancing its overall look.
  • Lawn Aeration. Priced at $75 to $225, aeration involves perforating the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate grass roots, which is essential for a healthy lawn.
  • Lawn Dethatching. Removing thatch for $160 to $225 improves lawn health by ensuring nutrients reach the soil.
  • Lawn Seeding. This service, essential for bare or patchy lawns, ranges from $680 to $1,815, depending on lawn size and seed type.
  • Leaf Removal. Priced between $155 and $460, it’s crucial for keeping the lawn clean and preventing pests and diseases.
  • Fertilization. For $120 to $480, this service ensures your lawn gets the necessary nutrients for robust growth.
  • Weed Control. A critical aspect of lawn care, weed control treatments are offered at $65 to $170 per session.
  • Pest Control. Priced at about $100 per treatment, it’s vital for preventing and addressing pest infestations.
  • Mulching. At $17 to $68 per cubic yard, mulching helps in moisture retention and weed prevention.
  • Sod Installation. This service, costing $1 to $2 per square foot, is ideal for instant lawns.
  • Artificial Turf Installation. For those seeking a low-maintenance option, artificial turf installation costs about $12.33 per square foot.
  • Tree Trimming. Essential for safety and aesthetics, tree trimming services are priced at $315 to $700 per tree.
  • Bush/Hedge Trimming. This service, costing $50 to $75 per hour, helps maintain the shape and health of bushes and hedges.
  • Yard Cleanup. Priced between $170 and $375, it includes various tasks to keep the yard tidy and presentable.

Prices vary by location and service.

Key Factors Influencing Lawn Care Pricing

Lawn care pricing is influenced by a variety of factors, each contributing to the final cost of services. Understanding these factors helps both service providers and customers to make informed decisions.

Lawn Size

The size of the lawn is a primary determinant of cost. Larger lawns require more time, labor, and equipment, thus increasing the overall charge. Service providers typically measure the lawn area in square feet or acres to estimate the workload and set prices accordingly. The variability in lawn sizes also means that a one-size-fits-all approach to pricing is often ineffective, necessitating customized quotes based on size.

Service Frequency

The regularity of lawn care services plays a critical role in pricing. Customers opting for routine maintenance such as weekly or bi-weekly services might benefit from reduced rates due to the ongoing nature of the contract. On the other hand, infrequent or one-time services often come at a premium due to the lack of regularity and the potential need for more intensive work during each visit.

Type of Services Provided

Lawn care encompasses a range of services from basic mowing and edging to more specialized treatments like aeration, fertilization, weed control, and pest management. Comprehensive packages that include a combination of these services tend to be priced higher due to the expertise, time, and resources involved. However, packaged deals might also offer more value and cost-effectiveness compared to purchasing each service separately.

Geographic Location

Regional factors significantly influence lawn care pricing. Costs tend to be higher in areas with a higher cost of living. Additionally, the local climate and growing conditions impact the type and frequency of services needed, thereby affecting the price. For instance, lawns in arid regions might require different care and thus different pricing structures compared to those in more temperate zones.

Grass and Lawn Condition

The type of grass and the overall condition of the lawn are important pricing considerations. Some grass types demand more frequent or specialized care, influencing the cost. Lawns that are well-maintained generally require less intensive work, potentially lowering the price over time, while those in poor condition or with complex landscaping features may necessitate additional labor and expertise.

Seasonal Demand

Lawn care services are often in higher demand during the spring and summer months, which can lead to increased prices. Conversely, rates may decrease during the fall and winter, when lawn care needs are typically reduced. This seasonal fluctuation in demand allows companies to adjust their pricing according to the workload and service requests they receive throughout the year.

Labor and Overhead Costs

The experience level of the lawn care professionals and the company’s operational costs, including equipment maintenance and transportation, are factored into pricing. Experienced professionals may charge more for their expertise, and the cost of maintaining high-quality equipment also contributes to the overall service price.

Accessibility and Complexity

Lawns with special features like steep slopes, numerous obstacles, or difficult access can increase the complexity and risk of the job. These factors often require additional time, specialized equipment, or extra precaution, leading to higher charges. Ensuring safe and effective lawn care in these scenarios is essential, and the pricing reflects the additional challenges involved.

By considering these factors, lawn care service providers can establish fair pricing that covers their costs and labor while ensuring customers receive value for their investment in lawn care services.

Different Lawn Mowing Service Pricing Models

Understanding the various pricing models for lawn mowing services is essential for both service providers and customers. Each model offers unique approaches to pricing, catering to diverse customer needs and lawn care requirements. Below is a comprehensive list of potential pricing models for lawn care services:

Flat Rate

How it works. This model applies a consistent, fixed price for each mowing session, irrespective of lawn size or complexity. The rate is usually determined based on average lawn sizes and typical service duration.

Advantages. Simple and easy for customers to understand. Predictable costs for both customers and service providers.

Hourly Rate

How it works. Charges are based on the amount of time spent mowing the lawn. This model may include additional charges for any extra services provided.

Advantages. Reflects the actual time and effort put into the job. Can be beneficial for customers with smaller lawns.

Per Square Foot

How it works. Pricing is determined by the total square footage of the lawn. Larger lawns will incur higher costs.

Advantages. Provides a more proportional pricing structure based on the size of the lawn.

Subscription/Membership Model

How it works. Customers pay a regular fee, usually on a monthly or seasonal basis, to receive scheduled lawn mowing services.

Advantages. Predictable revenue for the service provider and regular maintenance for the customer’s lawn.

Package Deals

How it works. Service providers offer bundled packages that include various lawn care services (e.g., mowing, edging, fertilizing) for a set price.

Advantages. Customers can get a variety of services at a discounted rate compared to individual service pricing.

Frequency-Based Pricing

How it works. Charges vary based on how often the lawn mowing service is scheduled. For example, weekly services might be less expensive per session than bi-weekly services.

Advantages. Encourages regular maintenance, and the pricing can reflect the needs of different customers.

Seasonal Pricing

How it works. Prices may fluctuate based on the season, with higher rates during peak lawn care months and potentially discounted rates during slower periods.

Advantages. Reflects the demand for lawn care services during different times of the year.

Grow Your Lawn Care Business with Smart Pricing and Comprehensive Software Solutions

Advancing your lawn care business in today’s competitive market requires more than just great services; it also demands smart pricing strategies and the integration of advanced technological solutions. RealGreen provides a comprehensive lawn care software solution that can empower your lawn care business, enabling both smarter pricing and greater business management.

RealGreen offers a range of features designed to streamline various aspects of lawn care business operations. These include:

  • Dynamic Pricing Tools. RealGreen’s software comes equipped with tools that help you create and manage dynamic pricing models based on various factors like lawn size, service complexity, and frequency. This enables you to offer competitive yet profitable pricing to your customers.
  • Customer Management. Keeping track of customer information, service schedules, and billing becomes simpler with RealGreen. The software’s CRM capabilities ensure that you can maintain excellent customer relations, manage appointments efficiently, and send out timely invoices.
  • Automated Invoicing and Billing. RealGreen automates the invoicing and billing process, reducing the administrative burden on your team. This ensures accuracy in billing, saves time, and allows you to focus more on service delivery and business growth.
  • Data Analytics. The software provides valuable insights into your business operations through data analytics. You can track revenue, identify popular services, and understand customer behavior, helping you make informed decisions about pricing and marketing strategies.
  • Route Optimization. For lawn care businesses, efficient routing can save time and fuel costs. RealGreen’s Dynamic Routing helps in planning the most efficient routes for service delivery, enhancing productivity, and reducing operational costs.
  • Marketing Integration. RealGreen also offers marketing tools that help you reach out to potential customers through various channels. Whether it’s email marketing, social media outreach, or direct mail, the software supports a range of marketing activities to help grow your customer base.

By incorporating RealGreen into your business operations, you can not only refine your pricing strategy but also improve overall lawn care business efficiency. This holistic approach to business management empowers you to grow your lawn care business effectively in a competitive market.

Get in touch with our team of green industry experts, or request a free demo to get started today!

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can help you grow your lawn business!

Mike Carden

Mike Carden

Mike Carden has been with RealGreen since 2010 and has served in a variety of roles. Mike has helped companies across all verticals in the Green Industry, with footprints varying from owner-operator to national franchise brands, utilize RealGreen products to manage and grow their businesses. Since 2020, Mike has been the Product Manager for Service Assistant, working to cement the vision and direction for Service Assistant.